This is a good article from Whiskey and Gunpowder about how Republicans have been using Democrats as straw men (to admittedly great effect, after that Senate election in MA last week) who initiate "big government" policies, while "forgetting" their recent past, in which they advocated very similar policies that also involved "big government". I am so tired of the bait-and-switches both of the major parties pull. The bottom line, our government is flat broke, cannot afford any of this shit (be it wars, the corporate swindle known as health care reform, or stimulus packages), and virtually everyone seems to have at least a faint understanding of that except for these assclowns in Washington.
Granted, Obama (or OBanker as I now call him) is at fault for his share. He was voted in, in my opinion, to fix the economy and try to find a way out of the wars that our forces are embroiled in. He has only further damaged our economy while giving Wall Street more money, and has escalated the wars, particularly Afghanistan. But the hypocrisy of the Repubs concerning small government is laughable.
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lolikneri havaqatsu
great forum lots of lovely people just what i need
hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.
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